The key difference between natural leadership and spiritual leadership would be that a man’s natural abilities drive him and make room for him. He is driven to “success” by his abilities and desire to accomplish tasks, etc. On the other hand, a spiritual leader is driven by the Holy Ghost to lead. This inward pushing manifests itself in that believer’s life. The spiritual abilities, which may have been dormant for years, suddenly comes to life. They are refined through their use and dependence upon God for their fruitfulness.
I believe a spiritual leader’s natural abilities, which God initially gave him, can be transformed and used marvelously to the good of those with whom he ministers. The abilities in question are simply refined and modeled after the sanctification process carried out by the Holy Ghost. As the aspiring spiritual leader seeks to conform to the image of Christ and follow God’s will, the person of the Holy Spirit grafts the natural abilities in and the leader learns to depend upon God in their use instead of themselves and the ability. Their abilities are soon looked upon as instruments in God’s hands instead of a tool for self edification. The pride, which characterized previous use, soon becomes dormant and the meekness produced by God is soon the arena where the ability is displayed.
Welcome to Great Leadership!
4 years ago
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