Several years ago, a man in my home church wanted to start a new Wednesday night class. He wanted to take the seventh and eighth graders that had aged out of our King’s Kids program and try to develop them further. The class was approved by my pastor and this man needed help. I wanted to be a part of this class, but felt unsure about what to do. After my inquiry, and answering his questions, he was willing to use me.
Having some issues with a man I was helping in another class, I felt like leaving, but was undecided as to how to make my exodus. I did not want to just up and quit, but I ended up doing that very thing. Being a co-leader of this new class was appealing to me. Looking back I feel like it was just flesh, and when I vacillated in my decision to help in the new class, my co-leader “to be” stated in a very convicting way that I needed to be in much prayer. He further stated that I should not be a part of this class if God was not in it. Never before had I someone to speak to me in this way about making a decision.
I knew little about prayer, being I was only a 2 year old Christian. Whether or not I was a young Christian should not have had a bearing on my knowledge of prayer, but it did in this case. I did not have complete assurance about helping, but I did help a week or two anyway. What resulted shames me to this day! I quit on the new class and ended up helping very little in the old class. I just got side tracked by something good, and missed out on the best God had for me. I learned a lot through this experience and I hope that I have been edified by it.
Welcome to Great Leadership!
4 years ago
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